Use of icoone® LaserMed treatment for lipedema
An icoone® treatment is a perfect match for people with lipedema. This mechanical connective tissue massage does not hurt and is very effective! After the treatments you immediately feel relief from the legs and there are no bruises.
Lipedema is a condition that people often confuse with lymphedema. In lipedema, the fat tissue is unevenly distributed over the body. Localized fat deposits can form in various places on the body, such as on the hips, lower legs, inside of the knees, thighs and the inside of the arms. People with lipedema almost always have pain complaints, something that people with lymphedema do not have. For example, the skin of certain parts of the body is sensitive, so that contact with the skin usually feels painful. When you have lipedema, your legs can feel cold and they get tired easily. Other frequently heard complaints with lipedema: rapid overload and fatigue.
The icoone® LaserMed is a combination of LED, Laser and the patented Roboderm® technology. This combination of technologies makes the icoone® an innovative system. It acts intensely on every millimeter of the skin, respecting the skin. The icoone® works very well for the treatment and support of lipedema. An icoone® treatment stimulates the oxygen supply to the connective tissue and fibroblasts in a natural, painless and respectful way. This stimulates blood circulation, which ensures that treatment with icoone® supports the healing of lymphatic and vascular disorders. The result of a treatment with icoone®: it effectively reduces fat accumulation and can also be used on the inside of the arms and legs. Without experiencing pain from this!
Icoone® treatment thanks to the Roboderm® technology
The icoone® is the only device equipped with the innovative, patented Roboderm® technology. This technology was developed after years of research into connective tissue. With 21,600 microstimulations per minute, the connective tissue is stimulated. The connective tissue, also known as the fascia, is completely connected to each other. This also runs along organs, tendons, muscles, etc. So we can also tackle problems in depth. It has a draining effect, just as it improves blood circulation and the supply and removal of waste products. It also provides better elasticity, can tackle adhesions and ensures fewer complications.
Icoone® treatment for various health problems
We do not only apply the icoone® treatment during the treatment of lipedema. It can be used for a variety ailments.
Precise and painless treatments for the repair and improvement of scars. Suitable for all areas of the body and face, even for the smallest areas.
Before and after surgery
Before: icoone® drains and softens the tissue in preparation for surgical procedures.
After: It speeds up the wound healing process and improves the outcome.
Lipedema, lymphedema and venous insufficiency
Improving blood circulation, lymphatic drainage and oxygen supply for reducing edema to provide immediate and long-lasting relief.
Fibromyalgia, muscle pain and muscle tension
Pain relief thanks to stimulation of the muscle tissue. Quality of life and mobility improve immediately after the first treatment.
Treatment with icoone® improves the structure, vitality and elasticity of the tissue. It also stimulates lymphatic drainage, which reduces edema formation. The LED and LASER application promote the result.
Cosmetic treatments are also possible with the icoone® LaserMed
The mechanical connective tissue massage treatment with icoone® can also be used cosmetically for the body and face. It is one of the latest generation of mechanical connective tissue massages that has been developed on the basis of new insights into our skin. A treatment of the most vulnerable and sensitive areas, such as the inside of your legs, arms and neck can be treated or improved without pain.
The great thing about icoone® laser is that this treatment technique can be used very widely, both cosmetically and medically. For example, icoone® can be used daily without a recovery period or after-effect for medical problems, such as lipedema, wound healing and scar therapy. And also for treating cosmetic indications, such as wrinkles and skin tightening. After the first treatment you can already feel and see the difference. For my clients who suffer from lipedema or lymphedema complaints, icoone® has a draining effect, activating the lymphatic system and draining the fluid better. It also works on the fat cells. You will notice relief after one treatment if you have a painful feeling in your legs or feet.
When do I apply icoone® treatment for lipedema?
The icoone® laser treatment is painless. This is why we use icoone® LaserMed if you already experience too much pain. With this treatment I prepare you for the intensive manual lipedema treatment. But we also use icone® if you weigh more than 115 kilos. With this weight or a higher weight, it is difficult for a therapist to physically approach the problem. If this is the case, it is important that you also lose weight, so that we can switch to the Holistic Lipedema Method over time. We also offer guidance during the waste process. We take a critical look at your diet, because nutrition is an important pillar in the treatment of lipedema.
How often do you have to undergo an icone® treatment?
Every body is different. So how many icoone® treatments you need depends on your body and situation. You will notice relief after the first treatment. During your first appointment of more than 2 hours I will take all the time for you. This way you can calmly tell your story, discuss your complaints and I will map out the state of your body. Thanks to a treatment I can ‘read’ you and on the basis of this I draw up a cure.
Icoone® results
Our customers are enthusiastic about the icoone® treatment. For example, many like that the treatment is painless. This is something some women did not expect. In addition, after the treatments they retain less fluid, they get slimmer legs and a slimmer belly.